Sunday, October 12, 2008

Palin's Mean-Spirited Vagina

Maybe I was a little harsh on Senator John McCain in my last post. He is unexceptional, but he is also decent. I have to give him that.

Sarah Palin is awful. Just pure American awful. She’s what you’d get if you combined the meanest qualities of Richard Nixon with the dumbest qualities of someone viewing Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Her little bit about flying around in helicopters to shoot wolves really set me off. I’ve always said that hunting should be perfectly legally (as long as the species is in no danger), and I’ve always prefaced that with the fact that I think hunters are completely sociopathic. They’re a mean spirited god-awful crew of Ted Nugent’s that gets some strange pleasure from watching things die. Then again, I enjoy cheeseburgers. We are carnivores, and in all reality only vegetarians could honestly advocate the outlawing of hunting. Me, I enjoy cheeseburgers. They are delicious, and I know where they come from.

But flying around in a helicopter and blasting wolves isn’t hunting. It doesn’t involve the skill and hardship that comes with trekking out into the forest. It’s just mean and nasty. How would we feel if some superior brand of aliens buzzed through our neighborhoods every once in a while and blasted people? We’d think, those aliens are real assholes.

And that’s what Sarah Palin is. A real asshole. She’s just the Christian version of an extreme Islamist (whatever that even means anymore). If she’d been born in cave and taught to despise Israel she’d be the very people we’re claiming to fight right now. It’s just the nasty American version of religious insanity, and it’s disgusting. Not as insane, and not as dangerous (at least now), but not that far removed either. And I think the American people have had eight years of this type of righteous religious leadership and are sick of it. Or at least I hope so.

Because if Conservatives are right about one thing, it’s that we are in a culture war. And secular people (the %16 of us) better start recognizing it. The Right has been on the attack since about 1968. We better start recognizing that there are two ways to view the world. One believes in science, freedom, and the possibility of meaningless. And the other believes in text that is in all reality an impossibility. Whether it’s a Christian text, an Islamic text or a Scientologist text, makes no real difference. They all believe completely in something that is almost certainly not true. And they govern their lives by it.

It’s scary and beautiful at the same time. It’s easy. But if we are to progress as a species we have to face darkness. God is in physics.

Wait, what the hell was I writing about? Oh yeah, Sarah Palin’s black heart of darkness. It beats with hypocrisy and bullshit. So much so that even American Independents recognize it as a force of evil. So, so evil. And we need people running this country who recognize that the Earth is billions of years old.

What? Christ, that was that a disjointed essay. But I'm to full of Jagermiester to make more sense of it.


At October 15, 2008 at 11:06:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

great opinions!

Jesse W.


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