The 1st Anniversary Spectacular
About four hours ago marked the exact One-Year Anniversary of The Long Sunset. It’s been a violent and random first year. In the beginning, I had little idea of the direction that these Nevada Wolf-pack blue pages would go. They’ve been clearly all over the place (from the mimicry of Mark Twain to Vicodin filled rants about Orlando’s infrastructure), but I believe each post has managed to be fairly entertaining, and perhaps, occasionally insightful.
I’d like to thank everyone that has visited the site. From the time that my Google Mercenaries started keeping track in mid-May, I’ve managed to pull in 1100 unique hits (individual computers) from 14 different countries; from Gainesville to Kuantan, Malaysia. Although, I think the hit from Kuantan is either a robot or a sex slave. Either way, I appreciate you visiting the site (and feel free to e-mail me if you’re the latter).
And I must also thank my lone sponsor, who diligently sells odd wooden furniture at the very bottom of the page. It’s been a long strange year, but as the Good Doctor taught us: when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.