Monday, July 9, 2007

Bleeding the Orchid

Quick note from the road. I've been up in the New York drinking in the East Hampton's by night and drinking more on Fire Island by late night. A few things have been learned. For one, Jewish dentists are simply a necessity, and I can't imagine ordering any other ethnicity to move the calcium in my gums. Two, Long Island girls are very aggressive. They don't take well to timidness, and many of the them would rather see you dead then talk to you if you make under six figures (US). This is especially true on the island that takes its name from heat, and these girls are simply vicious (but on a side note, the deer are very friendly).

Indeed. And pick up the new Smashing Pumpkins album if you get the chance (the Zeitgeist) as it is rock that will melt the lies off your soul. I have more notes from the road, but I've been drunk for eight (8) consecutive days and, in fact, am at this moment. The ideas, and the execution of said ideas, are moving very slow. But remember these two things until my next post; I may be an environmentalist, but if there's any creature that is more unnecessary in this universe than ticks I have not met it, and two, Elizabeth Hurley looks better on a flat screen than a tube. Don't forget these things.


At July 9, 2007 at 7:30:00 PM EDT , Blogger said...

THOSE dentists you spoke of will do anything to get through dental school from what I've seen. Let's just say they would not like to eat an "ethics-sandwich".


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